

Admission to the program is contingent upon good academic standing and acceptance 按部门划分.

The department will not accept D transfer credit in the major. 成绩为C or better in all major courses at 188bet金宝搏官网登录网址 is required.

Completion of 120 semester hours of work: 36 hours of General 教育 consisting of 6 hours of Composition; 3 hours of Oral Communication (最好是2011年的ENG); 3 hours in Mathematics; 9 hours in Social 科学 (in at least two disciplines); 9 hours in Humanities/Fine 艺术 (including one humanities course and 一门美术课程); 6 hours in Natural 科学, including one physical science (chemistry, geography, physical science, or physics) and one biology (at 至少有一个 course must have a lab); 3 credit hours of Critical Thinking, 3 credit hours 多样性, and 3 credit hours Interdisciplinary courses embedded in the preceding courses and selected from a list of approved courses; 6 credit hours of a single foreign languagr (including 3 hours for the College of 艺术 and 科学); 54 hours of core English classes; 15 hours in English electives selected with the departmental advisor’s approval; and 9 hours of university electives; students also must pass the examination on the state and 联邦宪法.

Before proceeding to any 4000级的文学课程, an English major in any of the options must have passed the two basic composition courses,  ENG 2100 and ENG 2260. 文学 and Writing majors also must take ENG 2280 before proceeding to any 4000级的文学课程. English majors in the literature and secondary teaching options must complete at least five 4000-level English courses before graduating.

通识教育- 36学时

英语作文- 6个学分 

eng1230和1240 OR eng1270和1280

口语交流- 3学时 (最好是2011年的ENG)
数学:3个学分 (按分班测试)
自然科学- 9学时; One physical science (chemistry, geography, physical science, or physics) and one biology; one must have a lab 
社会科学- 9学时; 至少两门学科
人文/美术- 9学时 (必须包括一门人文学科课程和 一门美术课程)
外语 (同一语言)- 6学时 (including 3 hours for the College of 艺术 and 科学)
宪法考试 (必须通过州和联邦考试)

Eng 1360*, 2100, 2160 OR 2190, 2260, 2280, 2330 OR 2340, 2370, 2910 OR 2940, 4311, 4316, 4327 OR 3870, 4331, 4337, 4338, 4370, and 4390; one 4000-level course in American 文学 (4306, 4321, 4322, 4323,4324, 4326, 4329, 4332, 4334, 4341, 4345, 4346, 4382, 4386); one 4000-level course in English/British 文学 (4314, 4315, 4342, 4349, 4350, 4351, 4357, 4358, 4359)

*Students may test out of ENG 1360 by passing the department's Grammar Competency Examination with a score of 75% or higher.  及格分数将获得3个学分 熟练掌握eng1360的小时数.

The courses are to be selected from department offerings with the approval of the department academic advisor and may include journalism and technical writing courses 如eng2010、2020、2090、2540等.  

For successful completion of the literature option, students must

  • Be able to write coherent, well-organized exposition in several rhetorical modes using 能熟练编辑美式英语.
  • Understand and be able to use effectively a variety of rhetorical forms and strategies of informative writing and write for a variety of  audiences.
  • Be familiar with the literature and major developments and writers of Great Britain 和美国.
  • Be familiar with a significant body of literature by American writers of color.
  • Be able to analyze works of literature, understand a variety of critical approaches, and demonstrate an awareness of the characteristic elements and techniques of the 各种各样的类型.
  • Understand basic elements of language and of language development, history, dialects, 语言习得.
  • Be able to think critically about issues and articulate varying points of view.
  • Be adept in solving problems involved in research and communication.
  • Be competent in operating word processing programs.
  • Be familiar with professional journals in the discipline.
  • Be familiar with professional organizations and become a participating member of at 至少有一个.
  • Be willing and able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and outline a plan 的自我完善.
  1. 2100年写作 & 非虚构类编辑(3): Prerequisite: Successful completion of two basic composition courses and ENG 1360
  4. 2260文学研究要素(3): Prerequisite: Successful completion of two basic composition courses
  5. 2280关键策略(3): Prerequisite: Successful completion of two basic composition courses
  6. 英国文学I (3)
  7. 2340英国文学ii (3)
  8. 非裔美国文学I (3) or 2940非裔美国文学ii (3)Prerequisites for all 4000-level ENG classes, excluding most linguistics courses:  Successful completion of ENG 1230/1240 or 1270/1280, 1360, 2100, 2260, and 2280
  9. 4311莎士比亚(3)
  10. 4316件世界名作(3)
  11. 4327的方法 & 文学研究资料(3)
  12. 4331文学批评(3)
  13. 4338语言(3)
  15. 4390女人的声音(3)
  16. 4314维多利亚文学(3)  or 4326 Studies in Romantic 文学 (3) or 4342 English 文学 since 1918 (3) or  4349 The English Novel (3)  or 4350 Restoration & 早期18th 世纪英国(3)或4351年后18th Century British 文学 (3)  or 4357 The English Renaissance (3) or 4358 English 十七世纪文学th 世纪(3)
  17. 2410第三世界文学(3)   or  4321 Black Women Writers (3) or  4322 Black American Poetry (3) or 4323 Wright, Ellison, and Baldwin (3) or 4324 Gwendolyn Brooks Seminar (3) or 4332 Black American Fiction (3) or 4334 The Image of Blacks in American Prose Fiction (3) or 4370 The American Ethnic Experience in 文学 (3)
  18. 4341 1918年以来的美国文学(3) or 4345 American 文学 1820 - 1865 (3) or 4346 American 文学, 1865 - 1918 (3)
  19. 4395实习写作