英语、外语, 和 跨学科 项目 Department at Chicago State 大学


英语、外语, 和 跨学科 项目 (EFLIP) offers students 为许多激动人心的职业做前沿准备.   你是否想写一个 读一本书,当一名表演诗人,教英语或西班牙语,上法学院,成为一名律师 librarian, be a diplomat, or translate while working in government service or business, this department will equip you with the necessary skills for success in these careers 还有更多.  教师是著名的专业人士和学者,提出 他们在国内和国际舞台上的工作.  这些专家发表了重要的文章 相关领域的书籍和文章.  与科罗拉多州立大学的格温多林合作编程 Brooks Center for Black 文学 和 Creative 写作 gives students access to writing workshops with important authors, 和 conferences that provide exposure to luminaries 在文学、新闻和出版领域.  实习和出国留学的机会 to France, Spain, 和 Taiwan have been secured through local 和 global partnerships. 这些 经验会让你自信地进入你选择的职业领域. 


你有没有想过你的专业在毕业后会对你有什么帮助? 看到这个 新 学术专业报告 伊利诺斯州! 





A degree in 英语 opens many doors in all fields, as the ability to communicate in a clear 和 compelling fashion will serve you well no matter what you end up doing 专业.  例如,很多人说,文学学位包括 heavy emphasis on critical thinking 和 analysis, is the best preparation for law 学校.  一个写作学位将使你具备写广告文案、管理社交媒体的能力 media content, or work as a public relations account executive for a nonprofit organization 或公司.  从英语学位开始的所有道路都通向这样的成功 as publishing, print journalism, editing 和 consulting, spoken word poetry performance, 图书馆、教学等等.

对全球有兴趣吗?  我们的外语和通识教育课程 为你广泛的职业追求做好准备.  其中包括口译, 双语教学,政府服务,商业.  尤其是许多雇主 are looking for graduates who are bilingual in 英语 和 西班牙语, as well as other 语言. 

A Bachelor of 艺术 degree in 英语 with options in the following areas of concentration:

  • 文学,
  • 辅助教学
  • 写作

The department also offers minor sequences in 英语 和 foreign 语言 for students 其他专业. 课程包括:

  • 文学、语言学、写作、修辞学、外语 & 各种各样的专业 文献

英语课程的座右铭是, “卓越、学识和人性.“我们希望你能在科罗拉多州立大学和其他地方表现出最好的品质. 我们的教职员工欢迎你选择英语专业. 这个学位将 为许多重要而激动人心的角色做好准备.  这些包括但不限于 to book author, journalist, editor, lawyer, librarian, teacher, advertising account 行政和政府服务专业人员. 我们欢迎有关课程的询盘 work 和 other department-related endeavors, 和 we are eager to assist you as you 项目进展. 同时,我们期待并依靠学生的责任感. Successful completion of your program will require regular class attendance, timely completion of assignments, class participation, 和 fulfillment of all requirements 根据大学目录以及你的导师和顾问的指示.


Students majoring in 英语 may select one of three options: literature, writing, 或中级英语教学. 学生在文学和写作选项可以 prepare  for a variety of careers such as writing, editing, advertising, business, 法律和图书馆. 完成中学英语教学的选择 qualifies students for the State of Illinois St和ard High School Certificate in 英语 (6 - 12, 09型). 认证要求成功完成伊利诺伊州的考试 认证考试.


  • Completion of eighteen credit hours in 英语 to be selected with the approval of the departmental academic 顾问, including ENG 4335 or 4336, 和 a minimum of six 美国文学学个学分,英国文学学六个学分.
  • 在毕业前完成辅修课程.


  • Completion of 18 credit hours in writing to be selected with the approval of the departmental 学术顾问,包括eng2100和其他五门课程,其中一门必须是 在4000的水平.
  • 在毕业前完成辅修课程.


该计划的录取取决于良好的学术地位. 程序将 不接受成绩D或D以下的转学课程. 考试成绩必须达到C 所有专业课程. Completion of 120 credit hours: 6 hours in composition; 6 hours in a foreign language; 3 hours in mathematics; 39 other credit hours in general education (consisting of sequences 和 electives in the Humanities, Social 科学, 和 Natural 科学 和 Mathematics, depending upon the concentration chosen); 30 credit hours of core requirements; 18 credit hours in a concentration in one of Humanities, Social 科学, 和 Natural 科学 和 Mathematics, mainly at the Junior 和 Senior levels; 还有30个学分的大学选修课.

Embedded in your courses, often within the 通识教育课程, are critical 思考,一门有实验室的科学,一门美术课程,一门多元化课程. 自由 Studies program also addresses most of those requirements in the core areas of the major, but the General 教育 embedded requirements should ideally be met within 通识教育课程.


Completion of 120 semester hours of work: 6 hours in composition; 36 hours in general education, consisting of 18 hours in the social sciences, 12 hours in natural sciences, 和 6 hours in mathematics; 45 hours in 西班牙语; 9 hours in cognate electives; 27 hours in general electives selected with the 西班牙语 departmental 顾问's approval; 通过州宪法和联邦宪法的考试.


SPAN 2010, 2020; 3010 or 3020; 2060 or 2070; 3130 or 3140; 3150 or 3160; 3220 or 3230; 3500 or 3510. 学生必须从以下组中选择一门课程:SPAN 3190; 3210, 3330, 3660, 4140, 4150, 4170, 4300, 4410, 4420, 4440, 4450, 4610, 4620, 4630, 4640, or 4650.


15 credit hours in 西班牙语 经学术顾问同意后选择.


9 credit hours of cognate electives to be divided among courses that will either complement the 西班牙语 degree or will create a more intensified area of expertise in a field 与专业相关. 这些 electives may be taken from anthropology; political science; foreign 语言; art; music; educational leadership, curriculum, 和 foundations; history; geography; or any other discipline approved by the department. 课程是 经学术顾问同意后选择.





  • 通过州和联邦宪法考试.
  • 完成126学时:
    • 通识教育48学时
    • 在专业领域有45个学分
    • 专业教育33学时


6学时c: ENG 1270和1280.


CMAT 2030和eng1260.


6 hours of elective courses in biological sciences 和 6 hours of elective courses in physical sciences; at least one course must be a laboratory course.


HIST 1310 or 1310 or POL 1010; PSYC 1100 和 2040; 6 hours of courses in the social 同一学科的科学.







SPAN 2010, 2020, 2060 or 2070; 3010 or 3110, 3020 or 3120; 3130, 3140; 3150 or 3160; 3210, 3220, 3230, 3500, 3510, 4170; select one course from the following: SPAN 3190, 3300、3660、4140、4150,或4300、4410、4420、4430、4440和4450.


SPAN 1092或通过西班牙语内容区认证考试.


ED 4312; ED 1520, 2000; PSYC 2020; S ED 4301.


S ED 4303*; ED 4500*, 2000; READ 4100*; FL&L 4000*, 4630*; SPAN 1092, SPAN 4675*; 2630年中科院.


The 西班牙语荣誉课程 is designed for rising juniors (second semester sophomores) or juniors who wish to challenge themselves beyond the requirements of their major (文科西班牙语或K-12西班牙语教育). 为学生提供教师 mentorship 和 opportunities for independent research during their junior 和 senior 本科学习年限. 该系荣誉委员会征集候选人 来自系里的老师. 然后对候选人进行最终录取面试 进入程序. 学生也可以通过联系荣誉学院申请该课程 顾问.



  • 是大三或大二的第二学期.
  • 平均绩点不低于3分.西班牙语课程25分(至少12小时后) 和
  • 累积平均绩点3分.0.



  • 成功完成15个荣誉学分的专业,最低成绩为 B;
  • complete 9 credit hours taken from honors designated courses or independent studies 专业内3000-4000级课程. 这些课程将需要额外的 项目、研究和活动;
  • fulfill course requirements over three or four semesters (one honors course should (每学期选修);
  • enroll in 和 successfully complete the 西班牙语 Honors Seminar (6 credit hours) 和 complete an honors thesis or special project under the supervision of a faculty member. 将需要一个演示文稿.

