
预算办公室为学校获得州政府提供必要的支持 来自当地的资金和规划支出,如学费、杂费和其他收入 sources to develop the fiscal year internal operating budget. Local entity revenue 支出经营预算是与财政官员共同制定的 and senior administration. The mission and vision of the University are financed primarily by funds from these sources.

该办事处还协助获得新建筑物的资本资金,进行重大改造 and site improvements, as well as deferred maintenance.

该办公室通过以下途径为大学的规划和预算过程提供支持 向伊利诺伊州高等教育委员会提交预算申请、报告和分析 教育(IBHE),州长管理和预算办公室(GOMB)和伊利诺斯州 州立法机构(ISL)和大学预算委员会的成员 (UBC),大学认证指导委员会(UASC)和学费,费用和 Waivers Committee. Additional assistance is provided throughout the fiscal year with 预算监测,以帮助大学的支出业务预算相媲美 revenue sources.

经董事会批准后,预算办公室提交大学的预算 请求伊利诺伊州高等教育委员会(IBHE)作为资源的一部分 Allocation Management Program (RAMP) documents. IBHE reviews and analyzes requests 来自公立大学、社区学院和相关高等教育机构 并为高等教育的运营,拨款, 以及基本建设方面的改进,这些改进将发送给州长的相应预算人员 管理和预算厅(GOMB)和大会成员.

伊利诺伊州宪法要求州长准备并提交州预算 提交给大会,其中包括各州机构的建议支出水平 根据估计资金可从税收和其他来源,和国家 debt and liabilities as developed by the GOMB. Per state mandate, GOMB prepares the 州长的年度州预算,并就可获得的收入向州长提出建议 and the allocation of those resources to agency programs.”

总督在对将军的讲话中提出他/她的预算建议 Assembly each year on the third Wednesday in February. Both the Illinois House and 伊利诺斯州参议院在两个月内与州立大学举行预算听证会 immediately following the governor's address. The version of the budget passed by 大会通常在立法会议结束时,可提供一份 appropriation different from that proposed by the Governor. The Governor may reduce 或否决由大会通过的法案中的拨款项目,没有 affecting the rest of the appropriation bill; but, those actions may be reversed in 由联合国大会在秋季会议上通过必要的投票来推翻. Once 经参众两院批准并由州长签署,新的预算已经准备好实施 beginning July 1.

The budget development is a two-year process. It is a collaborative effort between 各部门领导、各部门员工、各部门委员会和各部门副总裁 这包括制定在未来财政年度实施的预算计划. For 例如,启动2024财年和2025财年的预算发展计划 FY2023. 总裁、副总裁和高级管理人员,协同工作 with their operating unit heads, develop budget request priorities. The Budgeting, Planning, Assessment and Reporting Forms (BPAR) 必须完成2023财年开始的工作,以便为新项目提出建议 根据战略目标预算支出,然后评估其有效性 the projects. 必须提交经部门主管批准的新的预算优先事项 提交给大学预算委员会(UBC),作为年度预算要求的一部分.

UBC会见总裁、副总裁和高级管理人员并进行审查 all requests and rationales. The UBC was created by the Board of Trustees to widen 大学各选区在预算程序中的代表. The 委员会成员各有不同,代表来自各主要部门 在教师、行政部门和公务员的共同参与下 and the student body. The committee then compiles and prepares a summary of requests 并向总统提交未来两(2)个财政年度的预算建议. 校长随后提交大学的运营和资本拨款预算 requests to the Board of Trustees for review and approval.

Refer to the schedules for the budget process below.

大学内部运作预算的最终责任由 the University’s Board of Trustees (BOT). The President presents the annual operating budget to the Board of Trustees for review and approval.

从2005财政年度开始,初步预算的审查和批准是由 BOT在7月1日前为即将到来的财政年度,作为其受托责任的一部分 审查、批准并监督机构的年度预算. The 初步预算的批准是基于财政年度的估计支出计划. 大学拨款给各学系及分部,供其使用及使用 distribution. Once the process of allocation has been completed, the detailed budget information is input into the Banner system on a line item basis. All accounts administered 在支出之前,大学必须有一个按项目分配的运营预算 can be processed. An operating budget is a detailed plan of revenues and/or expenditures 为大学的一个项目或部门申请财政年度,通常从7月开始 1 through the following June 30.

审计委员会将于9月在单位细节一级作出最后核准. The Board 通过会议随时了解所有重大预算影响和变化 Board’s Finance and Audit Committee. Once the University’s internal approvals are finalized the Board approved operating budget is sent to the IBHE.

预算信息以分项为基础输入Banner系统. A budget 书是在摘要和部门的基础上按行项目完成的,并分发 to the BOT, president, vice presidents and the Library in pdf format. Online access 要的预算书也可提供给校长、副校长、院长、财政 officers and UBC members via Cougar Connect.

Budgetary activities are then reported on and monitored periodically. Fiscal officers use CSU X-Press to view their budget and actual transactions online. This module provides internal management information.


Internal Operating Budgets
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2024
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2023
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2022
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2021
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2020
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2019
PDF Icon Budget Book FY 2018



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